About Apimeds
아피메즈는 다양한 분야의 사업영역에서 조화로운 미래를 열어갑니다.
Business Field
인스코비는 다양한 분야의 사업영역에서 조화로운 미래를 열어갑니다.
Bio Business
핵심 기술력을 바탕으로 바이오 산업의 선도기업이 되겠습니다.
SmartGrid Business
한국형 PLC의 세계화와 함께 스마트그리드 시스템 구현에 앞장서겠습니다.
MVNO Business
고객과의 소통을 통해 차별화된 서비스를 제공합니다.
Distribution Business
세상을 더욱 빛나게 만들겠습니다.
Apimeds Press
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인스코비는 다양한 분야의 사업영역에서 조화로운 미래를 열어갑니다.
(Founder, Chief Medical Officer)
Professor and Medical PractitionerERIK EMERSON
(Chief Executive Officer)
Experts with experience in rare diseases and a broad network with IB. various success experiences and attracted investment in the bio industry over the past 20 years.ROBERT BROOKS, PHD
(Chief Operating Officer)
Author of osteoarthritis IND013754 & multiple sclerosis IND122804. 40+ years in the pharmaceutical industry with positions at the FDA, Walter Reed and Tamra lndustries.JAKAP KOO
(CEO & President, ApiMeds Korea/Inscobee)
35 years mostly as C-level executives in various financial institutions and IT companies. Management and operational experiences covers banking, asset management, venture capital, private equity and biotechnology companies. Stem School of Business, NYU.HYUKJAE LEE
(CFO, ApiMeds Korea/Inscobee)
Roles at BIEMT Co Samil Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Samsung Electronics, and Morgan Stanley University of Calf BerkeleyINSOO YOU
(Chairman, ApiMeds Korea)
30 years executive, fund manager LG Securities. 20 years as a strategic investor Wharton, U of Penn.